I'm Grandma Swann, eighty-one-year-old Widow, full-time RV-ing, (Jesus & me), flourishing to the finish. My purpose and goal in life is to glorify my Father God and His Son, Jesus Christ while in harmony with the Holy Spirit (the three in one).
I’m medication free, pain free, stress free, debt free, worry free, house and 40 years of stuff free. I went Parasailing for my 70th Birthday, Hang-gliding for my 74th and Zip lining from Mt. Bachelor in Bend Oregon for my 80th, (see video below) and I have more on my “bucket list”.
I have a blog of my very adventurous, journey, that started on June 28, 2022 in Virginia (click on My Writings, then “Blog”) I am still on Father God's journey's and I have driven my RV, 7,500 miles since June, 2022 and I am currently in the place where Father God wants me for now. I just finished a 5,900 mile journey from Virginia to Oregon with my 23 yr old tow car with NO NEGATIVE INCIDENT OR ACCIDENTS. God is so faithful.
I have a mission (click on ”My Ministry”) that I am passionate about, and a vision that you can be a part of.
I trust Father God, through Jesus with my life and my travels, only going where he tells me to go. He is my source, my healing, my joy, my peace and my love. I love Him so much, I'm trusting and obeying Him because I am learning how much He loves me, AND YOU TOO!
Yes Father God speaks to me, (and YOU TO), it is a matter of listening to His "still small voice", and I have learned that getting quiet in my head, and around me helps. It's amazing, He desires to speak to us, DO WE WANT TO LISTEN? He can only work with the willing. ARE WE WILLING?
He gave his only son, Jesus for us, just so we could be in a close relationship with our Father which is in Heaven. All you have to do is receive His Son Jesus, He is the only way.
He loves you so much and Father God just wants you to believe, and confess with your mouth, receiving Jesus as the Son of Father God and that He came to die for us, rose from the dead and as a result saved us. If you are willing, ask for Him to forgive you, and he will. Immediately you will become a new person, able to fellowship with the Holy Almighty God.
As you look through my website, you may join me, and the many others that agree, and have a heart for the mission or the vision. Join me on this awesome adventure, it’s never too late to FLOURISH TO THE FINISH!

The purpose of this website is to introduce you to my Father God-given Mission and Vision and Lonna (Grandma) Swann's many faceted life. If you are led to, you are welcome to join me and the many others that agree, and have a heart for the wellbeing of the generations to come.

Click here
80th Birthday Celebration Sept. 2022
Who is Lonna Swann?
I am a Child of the most High God, and my Father protects, guides and loves me unconditionally. Why? Because he loves all of his creations, that means you too! I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and be my Savior.
Jesus restored me back into right relationship to my wonderful loving Father God. Jesus came to earth and when He left, He sent the Holy Spirit to live in me, which I also received. I have everything I need, as you will, when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart. You cannot explain it, only experience it when you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He came and died a horrable death on the cross for you and me.
Father God wants His Children back!
John 3:16
According to Psalms 92:14
I am flourishing to the finish!
Come join me!
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